Chicago - fight for life! Need financial support!

Chicago is an amazing dog, who was in slony situation. On the night of July 3-4, this baby was found in the bushes of the Park, which is located near metro 1905. The baby was lying and showed no signs of life. Many walked, thinking that it was a dead dog, and the puppy continued to breathe...
He managed to survive and get to the clinic. Hypoglycemia (low glucose), hypothermia (low temperature), the lack of inhibition reaction, diarrhea... diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis. The baby was immediately placed an intravenous catheter, whodini necessary solutions and medicines put on the heater and summed up the oxygen. One of the doctors of the clinic, patted him gently on the face and in a whisper said to the pup: "don't worry, fight and you all will be Chicago!". Hence he called it.
The struggle for life, walked every day, it seemed hope was already paterina, but suddenly the puppy has gone on the amendment.
After the stabilization of the baby was transported to the shelter. Where he stayed for about 3 weeks and he was lucky - they went and fell in love with the baby. Now he lives at home and is a favorite family member!
But the debt for his treatment remained in front of the clinic. The entire course of treatment was 23100 rubles. This duty does not allow to treat other animals that need help. Please help to raise funds and to pay the debt to the clinic, it will greatly help other animals! Learn more about the help available here!
